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Pinball Mod Talk Episode 3

I think we are DEFINITELY in the running for a Twipy this year. Oh wait..

12/4/20231 min read

After diligently performing intense market research and crunching the polling numbers, Davey and Rob come to the overwhelming conclusion that what the world needs now is more of their poorly researched topical banter. Not wanting to blow our own trumpets here, but after three jaw droppingly amazing episodes I think we are DEFINITELY in the running for a Twipy this year. Oh wait..

Pincinnati - The Pinball show in Cincinnati!

Rob gets loco with the locals at pinball show Pincinnati this week, racking up a grand champion score on Elton John and perusing the plethora of toppers the show has to offer.

Mod the game - Labyrinth by Barrels of Fun

We spin the pinball mod making wheel and take a critical look at brand new banger Labyrinth by Barrels of Fun. Is there any mod making potential? Is there anything that could possibly be added to that screamer of a topper? Only our incredibly shallow investigative analysis will reveal the truth.

If you have a machine that you would like us to cast an eye over, get in touch and we'll add it to the Wheel O' Games.

All the latest pinball mods
Episode 4 Airs December 18th @ 4p CT / 5p ET / 10p GMT